Dichtol: Finally waterproof 3D prints?

2024 3d-printerstore.ch
2023-10-10 10:10:00 / Raise3d PPPrint / Comments 0

We've all printed a vase from time to time. Understandably, PLA is usually used here, as it has the widest range of colors and is the easiest to print. Vase mode also bodes well, as it allows for relatively fast printing with a good look - that is, without the seam that occurs when changing layers. Unfortunately, with the vase mode, the one wall line is usually not enough to make the printed object waterproof afterwards. At the same time, it is somehow not the idea to print vases that can only be used for dried flowers. Therefore, we started looking for a solution and found it:

DICHTOL by Diamant Polymer: The solution for waterproof 3D printed vases.

In the world of 3D printing, there are always new innovations that leave us amazed. One of these innovations is DICHTOL from Diamant Polymer. This liquid allows even 3D printed vases to become waterproof in vase mode. We tested this ourselves and were impressed with the results.

The handling of DICHTOL is very simple. The liquid is simply poured into the printed object and completely wetted on the inside. It is then emptied out again. To achieve the best result, the printed object should be allowed to dry for 24 hours. Alternatively, DICHTOL can also be applied with a brush or sprayed.

What we were particularly excited about is the versatility of DICHTOL. The liquid is food-safe, which means it can also be used for mugs, carafes or cups. So not only can you make your vases waterproof, but you can also make other useful items for everyday use.

The application of DICHTOL convinced us. After we poured the liquid into our 3D-printed vases and they dried out, we filled them with water - and lo and behold, not a single drop leaked out. Our vases had actually become waterproof.

DICHTOL thus offers a simple and effective solution for anyone who wants to make their 3D-printed objects waterproof. Whether it's vases, mugs or other objects, with DICHTOL you can be sure that your creations will serve their purpose.

In conclusion, DICHTOL from Diamant Polymer is a great innovation in the field of 3D printing. The liquid allows even 3D printed vases to become waterproof in vase mode. The handling is easy and the application is versatile. We are thrilled with the results and can recommend DICHTOL to anyone who wants to make their 3D printed objects waterproof. Try it out and see for yourself the performance of this liquid!

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